100,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed during war has been Removed --- Edited

Mention of 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed during war removed from address of Head of European Commission

On 30 November, Ursula von der Leyen, the Head of the European Commission, dedicated her address to the plan of confiscation of frozen Russian assets and the creation of a special tribunal to punish Russia for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. The text and video of the address has been published on the website of the European Commission and on von der Leyen’s social media accounts.

At the beginning of her address, von der Leyen said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine brought death, devastation and untold suffering, and that it was estimated that "over 20,000 civilians and 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died in Ukraine to date." Source: Here


1st Dec 2022


-Oh SH*T, She is busted lying about -Ukraine, not good

Why did the European Union cut out a key part of Ursula von der Leyen’s speech on Wednesday detailing Ukrainian casualties? It is incontrovertible that this was done. Videos do not edit themselves. At odds are the number of Ukrainian casualties. Why don't they want us to know the truth about that? 

Edited by CFC
